Sono sinceramente grato

{A very few} things I'm grateful for [a week late] :

  • President Albrecht being the bomb and CLOSING campus last Tuesday. I got out of test and was able to make it home before the death storm. It was a good day.  
  • Warm cloudless beach encrusted sunny California. I choose that over snow any day.
  • Bum clothes. I would have nothing to wear if they didn't exist. 
  • My lovely gold grandma Honda. Its reliable and plays music. What more could a girl want? 
  • Family. I like you guys. 
  • 17 more days of school. 17. I can do this. I can do this. I hope I can do this. 
  • Job. Thanks for paying me. You wouldn't be worth it otherwise. 
  • Those people that are nice enough to be friends with me. You are the best. 
  • Bed. You are the perfect way to end my day. {unintentional rhyming}
  • Art. You will be mine forever and always.
Love my life.

Hope everyone had a fab Thanksgiving.


  1. Oh Kenzie. I miss you. And you're not even in Missouri yet

  2. I am thankful to be friends with Kenzie Hall :)
